Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New additions, coral warfare and a general update

Wow I am really late on getting this out, this happened over a week ago! One of my friends set up a SW fish tank for a science project and then, when he was done gave me the contents. It was a very simple setup with little filtration, live rock, a damsel and a few hermits and snails. But none the less I decided to add the contents to my reef. Among the additions was a beautiful green muscel that I really wanted to survive, but within a day my brittle star killed and consumed it :(. Here are the new additions acclimating with an airstone. Zoom out Pic: After an hour of acclimation I addded the contents to my tank and everything went well. The yellow tail damsels (yes I have 2 of possibly the cheapest scrapiest fish on the planet) seem to get along fine. The live rock was also added to help fill out the other side. The new Damsel (which is now named joe six-pack ;) is a little shorter than my first one and I don't know if thy can breed in captivity but it would be nice to have some fry to feed the corals. Here is a picture of him. Next topic: I am having some trouble with coral wars in my tank. The first one is between my M. spongodes and a mushroom. The mushroom has a more powerful sting and is killing the edge of the spongodes (which is turning white). I have several of these mushrooms in my tank (maybe even too many......any one want a frag??) and don't like to see a fifty buck rare coral getting killed so I think I will kill the mushroom with some kalk paste tonight or when I have the chance.

The second battle I am having is between the birdsnest coral and my mongo
orange cap. The cap. is a much faster grower and is overgrowing and stinging my smaller birdsnest. I have seen large nemocysts at night and think they are also starting to engage in chemical warfare. Thankfuly these are not known for being 'tank nukers'. The solution is much harder to decide though as they are both nice, expensive and beautiful corals. I think I will let things play out, but I may frag one of them if it gets worse.

Some close ups from the secene of the crime!!! Note: white stems are bleached from conflict.

The damage is really evident in this picture

I think I will end this post with a picture of my large mother anemone which now has 2 clones in the tank (talked about earlier this year see anemone split). I will update later this week with some growth shots and an fts. It is exam week for me, so I am very,very busy!

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