Monday, May 25, 2009

Back from vacation

I had a nice Memorial Day and spent it at the lake. I came back and found the big BTA had moved and I will see where it decides to settle down tomorrow. I did a 5 gallon ( a little under 10%) water change before I left. The params were excellent before I left also (2 days ago)
Calcium: 420
Alkalinity (kH) : 8.5
Salinity: 1.025
I will test and maybe take a picture or two manana, as for now Henryreef blog wishes you a happy Memorial Day.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Weekend update

I was quite busy this week and didn't have time to take any pictures, but I did test water. The results were:
Calcium: 410
kH: 8.5
Nitrate: 0
Salinity: 1.025

I am very pleased with these results. I also went to Pressue (LFS) and got some kalk, a new refugium bulb, and a new test kit. Sadly I got the 18wt and not the 24wt that I wanted, so I need to make another trip and I might pick up some livestock when I go. Overall it has been a succesful week and my tanks is thriving. I think I will take some growth shots to show the growth on my latest frags.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

BTA Split Update and More!

First off I want to recap the BTA split. My large BTA split a month ago due to my ato [automatic top off] failing. It split into 3 different anemones. One took residence in the very back of my tank hidden by tons of rocks. I can't get a good look at it but you can see it (sort of) in this picture
This is the only one I don't really know how its doing. Another took up the spot where the orignal used to be.The final one (the largest) crawled all the way under the rocks and took up recidency near the frogspawn.Zoom-out:I think I may sell or trade the smaller splits off, but I will let them get bigger for now.

The Latest FTS:

I tested water yesterday and here are my results:
Nitrate: 0
Salinity: 1.025
Calcium: a little under 400
kH: 6 (???? I think I am going to get a new test kit as this one is old and that doesn't seem right)

I may go to the LFS today, in which case I will post what I get. I also have lots of big news that will be releasing soon. I am updating the Henryreef News Flash to inform you.

That's all for now! Happy reefing

Sunday, May 3, 2009


It has been another busy week, so I could not get another post out. The tank has been doing well, the BTA splits have been looking very good, but I still haven't been able to get any pictures :( I ordered some salt last week and it came yesterday. I got Kent Marine salt which was the cheapest (makes 200g @ $55 shipped). Here are some pictures of its arrival.
I did a large 30 gallon water change yesterday and I think there was something wrong with that water. It was either deficient in calcium or alk, because when I tested the Tank water it was
Calcium: 375
kH: 7
Nitrate: 0
This morning some of the corals looked a little off, I think everything should recover though.

Some posts coming soon:
  1. Update (with pics) :)
  2. My camera upgrade
  3. Big news
  4. How to mix saltwater